The IRS recently released additional information on their Economic Impact Payment (EIP) Information Center webpage regarding the eligibility of deceased taxpayers. The updated information addresses payments issued to deceased taxpayers declaring their ineligibility of the EIP (Q10) and how to return funds (Q41). Please note IRS FAQs are not legal authority or formal guidance and can change at any time. In addition, the FAQs do not address how or when enforcement of the repayment will be handled. Considering the language used within the FAQs, that the payment “should be returned” rather than “must be” or “is required to be returned”, recipients of these payments, on behalf of deceased taxpayers, may want to consider holding off taking immediate action until further authoritative guidance is made available. We will continue to monitor the updates and information as it is made available. For those clients with specific questions related to their situation, please call the office to speak with one of our tax professionals.